We are moving the site to http://covenantforces.tripod.com. It will be way better! Go check it out!!
June 2, 2003
Hi fellow Fans-O-Halo! Enjoy the site? Finally beat the game? Just figure out a new eatster egg? Then let us know! GPF
(GiganticPuffyFluffball) is adding some affiliate programs to the site. Click on them! Buy stuff! Please buy stuff! If you
do, we'll get some of the money. That will feul us to do way better work, and then we'll buy a domain like lairofhalo.com
or something like that. We are almost to triple 0 hits! Do you know what that means? 1000 people!!! It shure doesn't seem
like it though, judging by the fact that I have recived no e-mails and barley no guest-book sighnings. We need a sign! Do
something to show us that there are acctually people reading this!! Please!!!
DelTaco, Your Halo Master, Signing Off
Welcome to the Lair of Halo. The Chillin'N'Killin team of Obliteration will supply you with all of your Halo needs. The
three people in this trio are I, DelTaco, GiganticPuffyFluffBall (dont ask why), and Datsun. For all of you who haven't played
Halo and are thinking about buying it, buy it. Halo is a very fun and action-packed first person shooter game. This site is
temporarily under construction in some areas. If you would like certain things on the site, mention it in the guest book.
We are also looking for supporters-people who help out and send us information. If you are nice enough to do this, drop us
a line at sk8ingkix@aol.com. Thanks!