Known as the Chillin' and Killin' team, these 3 small humanoid creatures created
the Lair of Halo all by themselves. On the left, you see Emelio, known on the internet as GiganticPuffyFluffball, graphic
designer. He uses only Paint, believe it or not. View his page on how to use paint to create graphics at In the middle, you see Datsun. He likes to write stuff, especially bizarre humor. You'll most likely soon
find his work scattered heavily throughout the site. To view his site on randomness, bizarre humor, go to Then there's DelTaco, the guy on the far right. He originally created this Halo site. most everything you
see at this moment was created by him. He enjoys web design and writing small disturbing stories, and, of course, playing
XBox, particularly Halo. So now you know who they are. Kay, I'm done. Bye.